In particular, the inclusion of NFC technology in the iPhone, could encourage more merchants to upgrade their point-of-sale system so they can accept mobile payments from both iPhones and the growing number of Android phones that are also equipped with NFC. 尤其是包含NFC技术的iPhone会促使更多的商家升级他们的销售终端系统,从而接受iPhone以及越来越多同样配有NFC技术的安卓(Android)手机的移动支付。
Electronic Purse: A smart card with stored value that can be loaded with digital cash at banks or from electronic wallets in the home and spent at properly equipped point-of-sale system devices. 一种具有存储值的智能卡,它可装有银行的或来自家庭中ElectronicWallet的数字现金,并在正确装配的销售点系统装置上消费。